Showing posts with label Review and Screenshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review and Screenshots. Show all posts

Introductory Tutorial for Answer Analyst 1.4 and Beyond

I'm not so sure on how new owners of Answer Analyst will be able to cope with the new features that come with some of the releases. For those who have been following Answer Analyst since version 1.0, these new additions should be easy to follow, but the main question is, will it be demotivating if I just got it
(version 1.4) and knowing that the whole interface simply packs with too much information and you have no idea where to start? Just continue reading and you'll know how:-
Note: This tutorial uses Answer Analyst's interface for version 1.4 (if by any chance you're reading this in the future when it's 1.8 or 2.x, some of the information might still apply, but I'll try to update this tutorial as time goes by)

Step 1: Get Familiar With the Interface
Easier said than done, but just for the sake of getting yourself familiarized, just go through the interface, type in some words, select some items from the dropdown menu, click the buttons, do whatever you want. It doesn't matter if it gives you the results / content you want, the idea here is to play around. Nothing beats practical tryouts even if you're doing it the wrong way. Go crazy and click away. The labels for each area are not so technical in nature, so it should provide ample description on what it is and what to expect. I take that if you own a copy you've gone through the video on Answer Analyst's site before? That video, although outdated (as of today 25th Feb 2009), should give you some idea on how to use the software.

Step 2: Get Your Questions

Click image for a larger version.
  1. If you're trying to do a research on "Iced Coffee Recipes" for example, type in this phrase into the Keywords box at the top. 
  2. There are 2 options for the drop down box ( & Y! Answers). For more results, use both, but don't forget to tick "Add to questions" once you're done with the first one. If you don't tick this your most recent results will overwrite your current one. 
  3. For the country dropdown box, it just simply represents what language you're doing your research in. From my personal testing, you need to put in your keywords (Get Questions) and / or questions (Get Answers) in the respective language in order to get results within that language. This feature has not been thoroughly tested in detail, so for those who have a better insight on this, do leave your comments.

Now once your questions have been generated, you can either just leave them alone or copy them to the clipboard to save them in your favorite text editor for future reference. This is also a good time to save your project. Save it using a unique name, e.g. the keywords used, etc. so that you'll know which project is which.

Step 3: Get Your Answers

Click on the image for a larger version.

This part might get a little complex as there are a lot of checkboxes and dropdown menus, but no worries they look much easier than they look. AREA 1 (from the screenshot above) is where all of your questions you did in STEP 1 will be.

OPTION 1 (Using questions from Step 2)
  1. To get your research going, select and click on one question from AREA 1.
  2. You'll notice that the chosen question will now appear in AREA 2 in the Question box.
  3. Before you click on the "Get Answers" button, there are few options that you need to look at.
    • Google dropdown menu - Select Google or Y! Answers to determine your source of information. Best to get information from both sources and always remember to double check "Add to current results" checked.
    • Short, Medium & Long Answers - This option simply means how much information that you want to get back, I think in terms of paragraphs. Always choose Long Answers for more information.
    • Secondary Answers (Ticked by default) - Display answers which the software labeled as answers which are not directly related to the main question. Tick this to get these answers anyway, they might provide good additional information.
    • Add to current results (Ticked by default) - Self explanatory. Always leave this checked if you're getting answers from more than one question and want all of the results to appear in AREA 3 (from screenshot above).
    • Loose matching - Good to use if you're not getting any results / answers. This kind of answers usually are not directly related and most likely to be out of topic, but a majority of them will be somewhat useful and indirectly applicable. Also good to compliment answers with additional information.
  4. As you notice, all the results will be in AREA 3. To browse through the questions according to the question you've researched, use the "Jump To" function. The dropdown menu allows you to select and jump to the respective questions instead of scrolling through the list of answers.
OPTION 2 (Type in your keyword in the Question box)
This feature / method is introduced in version 1.40, so if you haven't got your software updated, do it now. The difference between this method and OPTION 1 is that you can get your answers ready by just typing in the question box in AREA 2. For more info on this new feature click here.

Step 4: Select Your Answers & Add to Research
After you've done all your research and data extraction, it's time for you to filter out the results and choose the best. You'll notice that on the left of each answers, there'll be a square checkbox. Check this box if you like the answer and go on till you reach to the bottom of the results. You'll have 2 buttons at the bottom in order to interact with the items you've checked within the results area.

Add to Research

Click on the image for a larger version.

This will simply add your selected answers into a copy and paste friendly page. All this will be done within the Research Tab right at the top left just beside the Questions Tab. Click  "Copy Research to Clipboard" once you're satisfied and paste it into your favorite text editor.

Add With References

Click on the image for a larger version.

This will work the same way as "Add to Research" but this time around it will add in a link below, stating the URL source of where you've obtained the information from. Always give the credit where it's due.

If you've decided to continue on with your research and move back to the Questions tab on the top left corner, you'll realize that the answers which you've selected / checked are now within a yellow background, labeling them as "Sent to Research" so that you won't end up selecting the same answers again.

Step 5: Content Usage
Do note that all of the information collected from this software is meant for research purposes only. If you intend to use the content obtained through this method in its entirety (without modification), you need to indicate the source of information for each content you've selected. Alternatively if you intend to omit the credits and sources, it's essential to grab the most important points and rewrite the content using your own words. This is a research tool, not a content generation tool.

And there you go, I hope I've made this tutorial as easy as possible for everybody. If you have any comments / feedbacks or anything else, feel free to leave your comments. Don't have a copy yet? Get Answer Analyst NOW!

Sample Questions & Answers from Answer Analyst

Since it has been a while Answer Analyst has been launched, we'll run through the software using "Answer Analyst" as the keyword, just for fun of it.
  • Can someone with financial analyst experience answer this.?
  • How are Ceridian's client support analysts trained to answer cust...?
  • Is there a best answer for a case analysis?
  • Read my questions and answers and analyze me. What do you think.?
  • What is Answer Analysis?
  • How to answer a Swot analysis?
  • Does the Meta-Analysis Answer a Defined Clinical Question?
  • Can Cost-Benefit Analysis Answer Criminal Justice Policy Question...?
  • Do I work with only one payroll analyst and who answers any quest...?
  • Where can i get cat 2008 full answer keys and cat 2008 analysis.?
  • Which of the following is the best answer regarding the use of fi...?
  • How do you answer 'Describe your problem analysis skills' in a jo...?
  • Will give lots of points, need analysis questions' answers for AP...?
  • How long is the answer indicated from your horary chart analysis ...?
  • I want to try answer analyst?

You'll notice that there are a lot of general questions and just 1 question directly related to the keyword. Well I guess nobody is asking much about this software. Some of the answers ...

I want to try answer analyst?
This tool can research virtually any question in seconds or minutes instead of hours! Just type in your keyword and viola you will get the big list "the questions about your keyword" Yes. Answer analyst generate articles from the question as the basis. Want to more? Check out the demo video on the link below. And enjoy 20% discount until February, 6th from that link too.

Yes Answer Analyst will be available as of February 2, 2008. Jon Leger is very good at building non quirky products. I think this one will work well.

Sometimes none of the answers get it just right. If so, pick "No Best Answer". Voters DO NOT get any points for voting on the No Best Answer.


... try answer analyst from jonathan leger ... Yes Answer Analyst will be available as of February 2, 2008. Jon Leger ... software is created by jonathan leger. You can read answer analyst ...

Answer Analyst Software - By Jon Leger. Just released! Search for answers to questions, get great research almost instantly delivered from all ...

So what is Answer Analyst? It is the latest software developed by Jon Leger that answers any question would ask it. In a nutshell you input a question and within seconds Answer ...


Answer Analyst Tips & Tricks: 5 Methods on How You Can Get More Answers

Each feature of this software by itself is a hidden gold mine. If you take advantage each of them and go through each of it, you'll end up with more than enough amount of information for your research and for your next project.

Part 1: Get Questions
Being able to generate dozens of questions from 2 popular sources within the shortest time possible, you'll be able to attack the market you're in like never before. You'll no doubt be able to harvest essential questions that a number of individuals are asking. Just by knowing the source of their demands and requests is good enough for you to gain numerous ideas and approaches on how you can expand your site and content.

Part 2: Get Anwers
With the generated questions, you're now able to generate a huge amount of answers, just by a few clicks of your mouse. The points and information obtained from this method alone can generate tones of content, or even content from a sub-category or a closely related one.

Part 3: Get FAQ structured Answers (click here to learn about this feature)
By typing a general keyword into the Question box, you again will be able to generate additional information to your already growing list of data. With this method, not only you'll be presented with extra points that to be salvaged, but also information which is nicely presented in a typical FAQ structure. Each question and answer generated with this method would be potential article or a report by itself.

Part 4: Secondary Answers & Loose Matching
The "extra" information that you'll gain from checking these options are somewhat one may call a hidden treasure. In certain cases, the totally out of topic answers might provide you with a new idea or even a something highly complimentary to what you're currently researching. Other information might also provide insights on potential sub markets which you're not aware. This "out-of-topic" question and answers can also be utilized in Part 1: Get Questions above, as the diversity of question will somehow provide extra useful information.

Part 5: Country Drop Down (Language Selector)
It's a quite well known fact that English language only dominates around 30% of the overall Internet population. Chinese comes in second and Spanish third. Although Answer Analyst does not support special characters such as Chinese, you can definitely take advantage of huge internet population of Spanish readers, assuming that you're familiar with this language. You can try French, German and many others as well.

With these 5 main features, I think it's pretty safe to say that you'll get 5 times more information that you could have asked for. 5 times more and 5 times faster, click here to get your own copy of Answer Analyst now if you haven't done so!

Answer Analyst 1.4: FAQ Extraction Functionality

Answer Analyst 1.4 has been released recently with a new feature. Since the launch of this software, numerous improvements and new addition of features have been made, making the interface somehow, a tad "confusing" if you're still new to it. However, let's go straight to this new feature.

FAQ Extraction Functionality
What this means is that instead of getting questions from the "Get Questions" function, and then move over to each individual questions to get your answers, you'll get a Question-and-Answer format results right away. Or in other words, in a typical FAQ layout.
Tip: If you ended up with no results whatsoever, always try "Loose Matching". You'll be able to obtain the results onscreen. The information might not be the best in terms of accuracy, but you'll get a good amount of results which you can play around with.

Now no point explaining it too much in words, I'll let you view this FAQ Extraction thing from the screenshot below. Enjoy and hey don't forget to get your copy of Answer Analyst now by clicking here!

Click on image for a larger version.

Feature Review: Question generation

Sample questions generated from "Iced coffee" & "Iced coffee recipe"

Market / topic / niche research is by far the most important thing to do before embarking into it. And no doubt that by penetrating these markets by providing solutions and answers are the best way to go. But the main question is, how do we go about providing solutions when we have no idea what's the problem is all about? Answer Analyst has the answer! As the name suggests, it does not only provide answer for you, but a long list of questions which are great potential areas to venture into. Even a small sub niche can contain dozens of topics that are worth spending time on. As long as there are demand, there's a great potential on it.
This piece of software will even help you if you're already within a niche for sometime. It'll allow you to venture into areas, topics which you've never thought of before, hence giving you more ideas to write, expand and gain more exposure.

Wait no longer, click here to get your copy of Answer Analyst now!

Answer Analyst Review - More Reasons why Automation is the way to go

Graphic representation of a minute fraction of...Image via Wikipedia
Everybody knows that getting an article or any piece of content, especially on topics that we have no idea about, is extremely time consuming. If you're a writer by nature, things might get done naturally with experience and skills, but topic research is the part where the nightmare jumps in.
  • Where should I go to do my research?
  • What kind of information should I expect?
  • How long should I be spending on research time?
  • How do I know enough is enough? I think I might missed out some essential information!
  • I think it's almost impossible to write something which I have zero knowledge about!
  • Research is boring and takes too much of my time, I wish I have more time on other things!

Those are just some of the most common questions that you'll be saying yourself or come across whenever some research needs to be done. Howeve, with automation and aid from Answer Analyst, things can be less of a headache when information is just a few clicks away.

With this kind of feature in hand, there are a lot of benefits that you can harnest and profit from. 
  • There is a ton of information on the Internet, if you know where to find it. Answer Analyst is "search engines on steriods."
  • How if English is not your first language? That'd make research much tedious and takes even longer to get it done. Answer Analyst helps this in a huge way.
  • Beating writer's block. Yeah, the dreaded brain freeze every writers' trying to avoid. The questions is,

    en: Picture of a girl rubbing her temples.Image via Wikipedia
    will have you such thing happening to you if you're looking at dozens of questions which can provide you with ideas and content?
  • Attack the demand market. People want answers, solutions and results. There's no denying that these items are the main core why Internet is the biggest information hub today. Be on the other side providing these valuable solutions to these group of individuals by gathering the source of the problems - Questions.
  • Need to convince yourself before making a purchase through research? Surveys and research indicate that buyers tend to get the research cap on before deciding on what they need to purchase. Perhaps Answer Analyst is what you really need.
  • Embark upon a journey where you'll learn and find out new things that you've never imagined ever existed. With Answer Analyst, there'll be Ahhh's and Ohhh's. Lots of them.

Now for a more product oriented reasons why Answer Analyst is a MUST for everybody.
  • Compliment your article marketing campaigns. Research and write faster = More articles = More profit.
  • Create reports in a timeframe you've never imagine possible. Include this in your mailing list, ezines or any of your website.
  • Create new products - ebooks, podcast, videos, slideshows, or anything you wish. With Answer Analyst, and with the huge amount of information, only sky is the limit.
  • Have more ideas what to write for your blog. The more you blog the better your blog becomes, especially when you're providing answers and solutions!
  • Having a seminar or a teleconference and need more points and information to talk about? Research is the keyword here, and with the amount of questions and answers you will be getting, more information is just a phrase you'll forget in a short while.
  • Niche / market research - While doing your research, you might encounter questions or even sub niches that might be a potential money making area. Sometimes the best things come when you least expect it.

The beauty of Answer Analyst is that it is so intuitive, you can start using it right away without much training or practice. One of the features I truly love is the way the program generates the questions. That is so great! The questions generated could be the title of your articles.
 Enough of reasons, cut down your time on research, and get your content rolling with Answer Analyst. Get it now by clicking here!

Answer Analyst Review ver 1.34 - What's New?

After many updates and fixes, we are seeing a very concrete final version of Answer Analyst. I'm hoping there will be updates on new features, but for now it does look like an all rounded software to get your researches done. One of the few changes include:-
  • Get questions now has a dropdown menu ( & Yahoo! Answers)
  • The language / country dropdown menu has been improved.
  • Variety / diversity of questions generated are now better in quality.
  • List of questions generated can now be copied to the clipboard.
  • Loose matching is back! This option will give more results which you can play around with.
  • And a lot other features and bug fixes.

If you haven't gotten yourself a copy of Answer Analyst, the time is now. Click here to grab one now.

The Power Feature of Question Research

The great thing about Answer Analyst is that it provides you an all rounded tool for you to do your research. Even to the extent that if there's no such thing as an answer generating function in this software, the question research part is by far, an excellent feature by itself. By just typing in a keyword, it'll generate different real life questions in the range of hundreds possibly. I might be wrong, but judging from the scrollbar, I guess as much. 

Some questions might produce little or no answers / results at all, but the main point here is that you've generated a huge list of questions / problems that you can venture into. As what everybody say, if you can provide solutions to a specific problem, you just gotten yourself ..
  • Something to write about e.g. articles, blog post.
  • A very specific niche to venture into.
  • A free report that you can send to your subscribers or to gain more.
  • A new idea on the next couple of things that you can do to improve your site / blog.
  • And many more...
This list of questions is perhaps the backbone of a specific niche that you're into, providing lots of subjects / topics / subtopics and extremely detailed items that you've never encountered before.

Don't miss this opportunity by making your life much easier by getting yourself a copy of Answer Analyst. Click here to grab one right away!

Answer Analyst - Overview

It is indeed a very popular term to say that Content is King. Everybody knows that and it's pretty safe to say that most of the things around the net evolves around content. Not just content, USEFUL CONTENT that provides essential information and solutions to those who seek answers and solutions.

However it's not an easy thing to write a content up, especially if you have zero knowledge on what you're about the venture into. Not to mention the time and effort that you need to have your research going, with MULTIPLE tabs and windows open just to gather and understand the basics of the market / niche you've decided to invest your time in.


With Answer Analyst, everything will be done for you, right from step 1 till the last step. In other words, right from the moment you start researching topis / questions that are frequently asked, right till the end where all the answers and solutions, right in front of you. The interesting thing is, all this can be done in just a few clicks of a button. Yes you heard that right! No more countless hours, and dozens of tabs in your Firefox browser, burning the midnight oil researching a topic you've never even heard before.

I won't be writing an essay here to let you know how it works, I'll let you to judge by yourself by watching the video on how Answer Analyst can help you in numerous unimaginable ways, directly helping your content writing tasks. Simply click on the image below to start viewing.

Answer Analyst Screenshots

Click on the image for a larger version or just click here to watch the video for a more thorough demonstration.

Question Research

Generating questions on a particular keyword using Answer Analyst has never been easier. Just enter your main keyword and click on "Get Questions" and you'll be presented with dozens of unique and different type of questions. An example keyword which will be used in this example is colon cancer.

Click on the image for a larger version.

As you can see, a whole list of questions based on the keyword colon cancer have been generated. Each of these questions can then be researched further to harvest all the possible answers available all over the net. Various articles, blog posts and content can be created just by rewriting this information simply by using this simple feature in Answer Analyst which can be done in just mere seconds. 2 in 1 - Question & Answer generation / research tool? I think the potential for this piece of software is unlimited.

If you haven't watch the video, demonstrating the features of this software, click here now.

Early bird discount only lasts for a week after launching on 2nd February 2009. So hurry and click here to get your copy of Answer Analyst now!

Get A Huge List of Results With Just a Push of A Button

As you know questions can be generated on the go with ease in Answer Analyst. But how much of information and how fast can you get the information rolling? Well it's not much of a factor, but considering the speed of this piece of software, I think the only speed factor would be the speed of your internet connection.

Click on the image for a larger version.

As you can see from the screenshot, 101 paragraphs of information are being parsed, just from a single question using the "Medium Answer" option. If you haven't notice the real potential of Answer Analyst, you better :)

Click here to grab your own copy of Answer Analyst and start churning content like never before!